History of U.S. Feminisms

History of U.S. Feminisms

Microcosm Publishing & Distribution

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A History of U.S. Feminisms is an introductory text that can be used as supplementary material for first-year women's studies students or as a brush-up text for more advanced students. Covering the first, second, and third waves of feminism, A History of U.S. Feminisms provides historical context of all the major events and players since the late nineteenth century through today.The chapters cover: First-wave feminism, a period of feminist activity during the nineteenth and early twentieth century which focused primarily on gaining women's suffrage; second-wave feminism, which started in the '60s and lasted through the '80s and is best understood as emphasizing the connection between the personal and the political; and third-wave feminism, which started in the early '90s and arose in part from a backlash against the movements propagated by the second wave. (Short Discount)
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